
On the Verge of “What’s Next?”

From my perspective, we seem to be in the point of human history when we’re truly on the verge of greatness or destruction, and need something solid to be anchored to… words of hope will follow!

We’re beginning to colonize the solar system starting with the moon and Mars in the next 10 years.  If careless, we could also annihilate ourselves over disputes in the middle east, China, Russia, or wherever the next crisis may appear.  Different parts of the world are dealing with weather caused disasters.  The Vatican has over the last few years made several comments leading one to expect the discovery of alien life elsewhere in the universe to come about before long which will require a rethinking of biblical texts.

Then, there’s also many people who have seen or experienced things which seem other worldly.   Some experiencing fearful things, others simply observing lights or possibly vehicles in the sky.  (I have a bit of a story to tell of this)  It may surprise some people to learn that the Bible actually mentions or alludes to things of this nature in various writings.

According to the show Ancient Aliens, various world governments are aware of “extra-terrestrial” aliens living among humans but won’t publicize it because it would cause public alarm… no-kidding!  Also, some religions claim there are many other civilizations in the universe.  The show also makes the valid point, that if aliens claiming to be from elsewhere in the universe were to make themselves known to the public on Earth, such a public unveiling would cause a collapse of both world religions and governments around the world.

Thinking of this in advance, we could expect some form of societal chaos requiring a super strong individual to restore peace, safety, and order (to the galaxy?).  This may sound absurd, but if we think about it, there would probably be a lot of emotionally shaken up people looking for stability, and this would seem the likely time for a solid world government with a strong charismatic leader to take charge…  We should also look out for deception.  (The Bible warns of a great delusion / deception, and I’m inclined to believe wherever the “aliens” claim to be from, they are still created beings.  If they draw attention away from the biblical God, then they’re dark entities and not to be listened to.)

One winter evening a few years ago, I was about to go outside, but suddenly had this strong sense that I was supposed to stop and read some Psalms because I needed to be inspired by something.


Psalm 124:6-8 says:

“Blessed be the Lord,

Who has not given us to be torn by their (the enemies) teeth.

Our soul has escaped as a bird out of the snare of the trapper;

The snare is broken and we have escaped.

Our help is in the name of the Lord,

Who made heaven and earth.


As I read this Psalm, a melody and lyrics came quickly to my mind.  And as you read this, please remember the above verse reminding us that the Lord made everything in the heavens as well as the earth, both seen and unseen, spiritual and physical, in our dimensions and in multiple dimensions, and all are subject to Him!  Whatever our situation today, He desires that we call on Him.


The Name of the Lord


The Name of the Lord,

The Name of the Lord,

O blessed be,

The Name of the Lord.


In the Name of the Lord, Yeshua, is our Salvation.

In the Name of the Lord, our Rock, we put our trust.

In the Name of the Lord, is our Wonderful Counselor.

He is the Holy One, and the Light of the World.


In the Name of the Lord, nations will rise up and fall down.

The Name of the Lord, is Faithful and True.

In the Name of the Lord, there is justice and mercy.

He is Immanuel, He’s the Bright Morning Star.




At the sound of Your voice, all creation will praise You.

At the sound of Your voice, every knee will bow.

Blessed are You God, You are, the King of the universe,

Yet You chose to die for us, then You rose up from the grave.

Yes, You rose up from the grave.


You are coming again, You are coming again, We bless You O Lord, You are coming again.

 Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ, You are Lord of all.

 The Name of the Lord, The Name of the Lord,

O blessed be, the Name of the Lord.



As we ponder the universe, every scientific discovery, every philosophy, every invention, and every creation, let’s realize all that exists had to have a creator, and that Creator Jesus desires us to trust Him while we’re all on the verge of “What’s Next?”




“Mortal Engines” – My Movie Review

I just watched the movie “Mortal Engines” tonight, because it looked like a cool sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, gotta save the world from evil type show.  I say it’s completely prophetic and probably intentionally telling the story of our times and how the powers that be are steering the world to an intense confrontation between east and west, to partially destroy our civilization, and the neutral innocent people end up having to come together unified to help each other rebuild and join the civilizations together.
It did include a number of societal issues worth thinking about, such as “the ancients” (us from the 21st century) got dumb, and forgot how to read and write (schools these days!) because we relied on computers too much, and blew ourselves up with super intense nukes!  Thus the post-apocalyptic thousand years later type theme.  Also, our society had evolved to the point of extreme trans-humanism, in which one of the cyborgs almost forgot that he had previously been fully human, but artificially reconstructed.
The biggest negative I encountered was due to the politically thematic metaphors, and in particular, the fact that the main male character (hero) was done up to look a lot like one of our unnamed Canadian elected leaders (think: take a selfie with me) (whom I didn’t vote for, and I’m sure has been “anointed” to one day head the U.N.), who is from the western world, which is led by an “evil white mad man”, who is intent on destroying the eastern city (primarily oriental), however his blonde daughter (not named Ivanka) is shown the truth of her fathers ways, and try’s working against him.
Did I mention that some of the styles and deeply woven themes seem to stem from other movies, such as Star Wars and a couple others I can’t quite place at the moment?
The theater was only 7% full when I went Friday night… yes, I asked!
I did cringe a few times at some of the subtle political overtones.   The sci-fi graphics and everything were excellent of course, as to be expected from those who worked on The Lord of the Rings series of movies, and the acting was quality as well. In my opinion, I think its worth seeing for analytical purposes, to see where predictive (or is that predictable?) programming is attempting to take society, justin case we can vote (not likely) for a U.N. leader soon, but I can’t say I actually enjoyed it.
I give it two stars only.

To Other Dimensions, Briefly


We are here on earth for just a moment of eternity.  But, then, our souls, our being, still exist for the rest of eternity.  Can we grasp that?  It’s truly hard to fathom.

“God has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; Yet they cannot fathom the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

We look at photos of galaxies vast distances from earth, and realize we’re not only viewing an image of something a great geographical distance from us, but a great time distance from us as well, thus the phrase “space-time”.  We’re viewing something that once was, but at an earlier point in eternity.

Many awe-provoking phrases of Scripture come to mind.  Jesus said, “before Moses was, I Am”,  meaning He is God, and has always existed, even outside of time and space as we know it.  He simply chose to enter our current physical dimensions for a time, in order to live among us.

We were made a little lower than the angels.

There are various levels of living creations which the Creator of the universe brought into being.  From the simplest single celled organisms, to the plants which provide the nutrition for higher lifeforms to thrive, to the pets, the cats and dogs which have such an ability to communicate with and understand their human companions, to the abstractness of angelic beings some of whom have much greater abilities and responsibilities than others.

Scripture says we were made in the image of God, and a little lower than the angelic beings.  This makes us an extremely high value creation.

Do you grasp that?  Think of all the beings that exist on our planet, maybe the universe, and in the spiritual dimensions.  We humans have been made a little lower than the angels, and the God who created us, entered our dimension  because He wanted to be with us, and show us the way to a healthy, positive way to live, both for this life, and an opportunity for the life to come.

Star Song!

Psalm 19:1-4:  “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.  Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world…”  (KJV)


Who are the heavens declaring God’s glory to?  Is it just to humans, or is it also to the entirety of creation?  Could it even be to the majestic King and Creator of the universe?  The visual beauty of the planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and more, only increases as we seek further and gaze further through both space and time.  They contain an artistic rendering of One so awesome, it brings us to ponder the question of how exceedingly great and marvelous is the One who is able to bring both the natural laws into being to make these wonders exist in the first place, but also to give them visual beauty which causes us to sit back and enjoy the gallery before us, and consider Him who brought forth the gallery.

Yet, we now know it’s more than visual…

A classic hymn contains the phrase, “the music of the spheres”, in reference to the planets and likely the stars as well.  Until recent decades, this seemed merely like a well-chosen poetic and inspiring phrase, however, when the Lord of the universe gives one of His servants prophetic words of praise, there is often more depth to it than even the prophet initially understands!  Because of modern radio-telescopes and various space monitoring technologies, we now know the stars and planets vibrate on various frequencies, many of which can be listened to through audio systems.

Not only do they produce tones, but they also produce rhythms.  People have created music using recordings of various instruments of the heavenly orchestra to make music which our human ear can comprehend.  However, we must ask, how much greater is that universal star-song which is heard by the King who created the entire cosmos? 

By all definitions of the word “declare”, the heavens truly do declare the glory of God!

