To Other Dimensions, Briefly


We are here on earth for just a moment of eternity.  But, then, our souls, our being, still exist for the rest of eternity.  Can we grasp that?  It’s truly hard to fathom.

“God has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; Yet they cannot fathom the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

We look at photos of galaxies vast distances from earth, and realize we’re not only viewing an image of something a great geographical distance from us, but a great time distance from us as well, thus the phrase “space-time”.  We’re viewing something that once was, but at an earlier point in eternity.

Many awe-provoking phrases of Scripture come to mind.  Jesus said, “before Moses was, I Am”,  meaning He is God, and has always existed, even outside of time and space as we know it.  He simply chose to enter our current physical dimensions for a time, in order to live among us.

We were made a little lower than the angels.

There are various levels of living creations which the Creator of the universe brought into being.  From the simplest single celled organisms, to the plants which provide the nutrition for higher lifeforms to thrive, to the pets, the cats and dogs which have such an ability to communicate with and understand their human companions, to the abstractness of angelic beings some of whom have much greater abilities and responsibilities than others.

Scripture says we were made in the image of God, and a little lower than the angelic beings.  This makes us an extremely high value creation.

Do you grasp that?  Think of all the beings that exist on our planet, maybe the universe, and in the spiritual dimensions.  We humans have been made a little lower than the angels, and the God who created us, entered our dimension  because He wanted to be with us, and show us the way to a healthy, positive way to live, both for this life, and an opportunity for the life to come.

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